Dear Colleagues!
I am sharing our call for volunteers, long term evs 2016 Hungary in hope of our future cooperation! To the volunteers:
The call for Talentum Foundation for next long term hosting (January 2016- December) just has been published. Please, see the call attached and in case you are interested send your:
- CV and specific motivation letter to the project and
- the questionnaire attached
The deadline for application is the 27th March. Suitable candidates will be notified on the 31th March and invited to a skype interview.
We do not consider application arriveing after the dedline or lacking any of the documents described above.
If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to contact us. Talentum Foundation is looking forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards, Regina Laurinyecz
coordinator of national and international volunteer programs
Volunteer Centre of Csongrád County
Talentum Foundation for the Support of Volunteering
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cell phone: 36-20/770-45-58